Over the past 6 months or so, I've been starting to see gluten-free packaged food items showing up at Starbucks. They started with dried fruits, which are great but a little boring, and now they have cookies! Recently I was in a situation where I didn't have time to grab breakfast and was in need of something a little bit more substantial than a coffee and a banana. To my surprise, by the register were these cute little packets of cookies. I was like, Yes! something that I can actually eat.
Before I dove into these cute little cookies, I decided to read the packaging. The cookies are made by a Dr. who also happens to be a Mom of a child with allergies. Upon reading further, the cookies not only were gluten-free, but were also allergy-friendly, trans-fat free, Vegan, cholesterol free, and Kosher. I thought yowza, these things are bound to be devoid of flavor. All the fun has been taken out of them :)
To my surprise, the chips in the chocolate chip cookies were yummy and the cookie itself did not have a strong gluten-free flour flavor. With that said, the cookies were very hard and crumbly and at best put off my hunger satisfaction for about an hour.
I think that Dr. Lucy's being available in a place like Starbucks, with national distribution, is an amazing step forward for the gluten-free world, however someone has got to do something about the quality of the taste of the products that are being put out.