Finally, gluten-free granola that actually tastes like granola!
Recently my Dad picked up a bag of gluten-free granola for me that a new employee of his had recommended. A little back-story, this new employee actually brought it up in the interview process that she had Celiac disease...and immediately they sparked up a detailed conversation about it. He found out that she and I have a a few similarities. We are both Irish and Italian. Funny enough, this women's family has a similar last name as my Dad's grandmother (Perone vs Perrone). The Italian side of my family is from Potenza and hers is from Siciliy (so it's doubtful we are related). Long story short...my Dad now believes that he has passed along this gluten allergy within his DNA to me. I can't really dispute that since 1 in 250 Italians have a gluten allergy (Bizarre considering it's the home of spaghetti and pizza). What's more 1 in 100 Irish folks have the allergy as well. Since my Dad is 50/50 Italian/Irish I think the message is clear. My allergy was no accident.
Like any other gluten intolerant, we roll with the punches the best we can and celebrate the small wins. Today's small win is Udi's granola...delicious granola that actually tastes like granola. Thanks Dad for the granola! (It's the least he can do right?).