If someone brought in cupcakes to the work place 3 years ago, I would have been 1st in line. Like most, I lack the willpower to turn down anything with sugar in it. Today I was presented with this scenario, I didn't even flinch. Impulse eating isn't really even on my radar anymore. After 2 years of being gluten-free, I've lost the urges I once had.
When I was in South Africa last week, I was awakened by a new bread. A gluten-free bread so delicious I had to check about 5 times that it really was indeed free of gluten. It was freshly made, soft, spongy and melted in my mouth. A pure, unadulterated piece of delicious bread. Needless to say I had it at least every other day I was there.
Turns out I don't need cupcakes, I just need Knead.