Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Debunking Paleo @ Ted

While trolling through Twitter, I found this great link to a Ted video where an Archaeologist (Christina Warinner) debunked the Paleo Diet. I've been intrigued by this diet as I have friends who have tried it and lost weight....and it seemed healthy. The net of the story is that it would be impossible to eat a Paleo diet with how the foods have evolved over centuries. There is no way for me to explain the details that she does so well, so enjoy the video:

Most anyone can debunk any fad diet, but the key point is to have reminders of good habits to move forward with:

1) Diversity~to absorb the best mix of vitamins. Most grocery shelf items contain the same three: Wheat, corn & soy.
2) Fresh Seasonal Foods~ Avoid preservatives. There is such a thing as good bacteria which keeps your gut healthy. Seeds & nuts are great sustainable foods to help you later in the week after your veggies may have spoiled.
3) Whole Foods~ Fiber & roughage is what processes the foods in your system and speeds up/maintains your metabolism.

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