Monday, January 3, 2011

Sweet Ali's Gluten-free Dinner Rolls

Sweet Jesus these rolls are good. I've had Sweet Ali's products in the past, specifically their blueberry muffins and brownies in which they sold through Kramer Foods (a grocer in Hinsdale). Recently, they opened up a retail store in the town of Hinsdale...very exciting. On Christmas Eve, my mom and I popped into the store to find a flurry of gluten-free goodies. I bought almost everything: cookies, a crumb coffee cake, muffins, a frozen pizza, ready-to-bake frozen cookies and most importantly the ready-to-bake frozen dinner rolls.

I wasn't expecting much. I try not to keep my hopes up, specifically when it comes to bread. It is just one of the toughest things to get right. I had my first go at the dinner rolls the day after Christmas. We had had Beef Tenderloin on Christmas day, and I thought that the left over meat would make an excellent sandwich. After 15 minutes in a 350 degree oven, my dinner roll was good to go. I placed a little mayo and the meat on top and took a bite. OMG. I hate to be too crazy about these rolls, but honestly I felt like I had just eaten the best bite of food in my life. Since then I've eaten a roll at least every other day (with eggs pictured left). If only I could bring an oven to work, I'd bake up a fresh roll every time I ate lunch.

Thank you sweet Sweet Ali's.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rolled Oats

This being my second gluten-free winter, I still find myself missing my instant Quaker Oats Oatmeal. There is something special about those oats. They are fast, they are warm and they are tasty. I have yet to find an instant gluten-free oatmeal that I I purchased the plain Bob's Red Mill Rolled Oats. They are pretty easy to make (not quite as easy as instant, but what can you do).

1. In a medium/large pot, boil 2 cups of water with a 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
2. Add in the rolled oats, stir and reduce the heat.
3. Stir occasionally for about 15-20 minutes.
4. Take off heat, and stir in a little milk and honey.