Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Change is Necessary

Yesterday morning on the bus ride to work, I picked up the Red Eye to read per my usual routine and happened upon my horoscope that would hold the answers to what I was looking for as I head into 2014.

I love Astrology and Magic. We only have one life to live and I think that it's fun to believe. Maybe that's why I'm still a devoted Roman Catholic. I know it's a lot of smoke and mirrors and it has unanswered questions. That's OK. Any way, onto the Horoscope...it was dead on. And it's not the first time, here was yesterday's:

You've gone through a lot of changes recently, thank to Mercury. Maybe you've decided to become vegan. Perhaps you're taking yoga. Or maybe you've simply chosen to let go of relationships with losers and energy vampires. Keep it up.

In my adult life I've thrived on change. I like new things, it gets you excited. It keeps you alive. In recent posts I've shared with you my Vegan journey. In the 3 month experiment I really immersed myself in food bloggers on Instagram, documentaries and a series of books. I learned a ton. I learned that if I truly want to live a long and healthy life I needed to make some changes and continually evolve. With that said, no one is perfect and I had my breakdowns. The important thing was figuring out the meaning of this journey. Making something real out of it. I think I've found it.

I'm changing my Account at work. I won't take you through the details of this change as this is not a business blog, but I may be getting the opportunity to work on a food account come the new year. I've worked in food before and I've always wanted to get back into it. I've devoted a lot of my free time to food. Cooking. Learning. Blogging. Watching. Experiencing. Eating. Working. You name it. I often feel like making a name for myself in the food industry is my destiny.

With the help of my Vegan experience, I feel that I have a starting point for where I want to take my next career move. I'm going to create change. I'm going to change human behavior.

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