Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Since this is a food blog, I figure for my New Years Day post, I would share my thoughts on the New Years resolution of "dieting". With a blog predominantly about baking, I'm sure that you have figured out that my New Year's resolution will not be cutting back on the calories. However, in years past, I have fallen into the losing weight trap. I makes sense. After the football and holiday season, most of us have a couple extra pounds that we'd like to lose before the Spring. I get that.

In my adult life, at 5'3", I have weighed in at 100 pounds, 130 pounds and everything in between. Although I hate to admit it...I've cut calories, I've gone hungry, I've binged on food, worked out like crazy and even taken "diet pills". I will tell you that I've never been happier with my weight than where I am today. I have found that my perfect weight is around 110...given or take 2-3 pounds. My perfect mix of health and wellness includes of course my gluten-free diet, a reduction in my sugar and caffeine intake, working out 2-4 times a week and daily walks with the pup. I am by no means the picture of optimal health, but you know, my clothes fit nice, I have energy and I sleep well. I don't have to count calories and I don't ever have to turn down a cupcake.

Now my system may not be right for where you are in your life...but instead of "dieting", you need to make decisions that you know you can stick to for more than 2 weeks. I am comfortable with my system week in and week out. Other than the occasional sadness of not being able to eat things like New York style pizza or a bagel...I never feel like something is missing.

For 2010, my New Year's resolution is going to be an attempt to put as much food into my life (work, family, social life, etc.) rather than going without.

Happy New Year!

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