Monday, January 13, 2014

Spent~ Closing out Week 2

Today marks the 13th day of my Spent program. This morning marks the first time in a long time that my alarm woke me up. On a normal day I would start waking up at around 5am and stare at the clock on and off until it sounded. I'd say I average about 7 hours of sleep on a work day. This morning, my alarm woke me up after a solid 8 1/12 hours. How much sleep is too much? I'm certainly not a college kid anymore and can't sleep the day away. Should I program myself to sleep only 8? After a very relaxing Holiday season I've really been thinking that I need to get back into routine. Wake up early and get my butt to the gym! I can work out at my gym during lunch hours, but I know once work picks up that lunch hour can slip away from you.

Some other notes on my Spent program:

-I still think of wine every day. A slight cold has kept my willpower strong to keep my cravings at bay. I know the second I have a glass of Red Wine it will result as a sinus cold.
-I find that I'm eating more to combat the lack of wine. I'm feeling a bit soft around the middle but I think that's OK. It is winter after all. Have to keep my strength against the bitter cold.
-Being January, I've found that hot liquids are essential. I've been careful with too much caffeine but have had my share of Decaf Coffee, Earl Grey tea & Hot Chocolate. No more than 2 cups a day.
-Vegan at home and Vegetarian when I'm out is continuing to prove a fairly easy program to maintain. I worry that I eat too many carbs but I feel that my bean/egg/veggie/fruit intake should be providing me with the balance of nutrients that I need.

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